In 1989, I believed in the Lord Jesus with my wife. At that time, I was in my 30s and willingly spent and sacrificed for the Lord. Our pastor and elder thought I was a promising young man, so they thought highly of me. Before long, I became a good preacher and often preached the gospel with the pastor here and there, contacting many church leaders.
Question 1: The Lord Jesus has now returned and He has a new name—Almighty God. Almighty God has expressed the words in the book The Word Appears in the Flesh, and it is the voice of the bridegroom, yet many brothers and sisters are still unable to discern the voice of God. And so, today we have invited the witnesses from the Church of Almighty God. We have invited them to fellowship with us about how to identify the voice of God. So we’ll know how to ascertain that Almighty God is the return of the Lord Jesus.